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New Domestic Partnership Laws

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Heterosexual couples now have an alternative to marriage. As of January 1, 2020, heterosexual couples can now enter into domestic partnership in California. Prior to the new law going into effect, only same-sex couples and heterosexual couples over the age of 62 could enter into a domestic partnership. Since 2013 same-sex couples have been… Read More »

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7 Ways To Survive The Holidays During Or Following A Divorce

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Divorce is never an easy task to get through, but most of us survive it and can even end up happier on the other side. Then the holiday season arrives. The holidays are hard to get through even in the most perfect circumstances, so how does one survive the holidays when newly divorced or… Read More »

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Divorce Apps

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Most people agree that going through a divorce isn’t easy. Even despite best efforts to work together and remain amicable with a soon-to-be ex-spouse during and following a divorce, doing so sometimes proves trickier than people anticipate. Luckily, there are now have several useful apps that can make interacting with your ex-spouse a little… Read More »

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Co-Parenting – What Parents Should Know About Raising Their Children Together, After a Divorce or Separation

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

As part of their “Blended Family Friday “series, the Huffington Post ran the following article about two divorced parents and how they “co-parent” their child. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/06/05/advice-for-blended-families-_n_7515012.html?utm_hp_ref=divorce&ir=Divorce The article highlights just how important it is for parents to work together to raise their children, even after they are separated. Divorced or separated parents are often… Read More »

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Judge vs. Commissioner – Is There a Difference?

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Some San Jose divorce, custody and/or support matters are assigned to a department where a judge is presiding, while other matters are heard in front of a commissioner. So, what is the difference between the two, and is one better than another? A judge is elevated to the bench either by election or by… Read More »

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Nesting / Birdnesting – Easing the Impact of Divorce on Children?

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Most people recognize that divorce isn’t easy on children, no matter what the circumstances surrounding the divorce are. However,  for may reasons, it is helpful to try to keep the divorce process as low-conflict and as amicable as possible. Some couples are implementing “nesting”, also known as “birdnesting”, as a way to ease the… Read More »

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Pet Custody and Visitation

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Often parties wonder what will happen to their pets during a divorce. Will the parties share the pets? Can you negotiate custody of a pet as you would a child? Thus far, pets have always been treated as property in the eyes of the family court. This upset avid pet lovers, but the reality of… Read More »

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Emergency Screenings In A Child Custody Dispute

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Emergency Screenings can be a difficult concept for parents to face, whether they are the parent who has requested a screening or the parent who has been served with a request for a screening. The court will typically order an emergency screening in a child custody case when a Judge has found that an… Read More »

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Incentive to Hurry Up and Get a Divorce?

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

Trump’s administration has recently made several changes to current tax laws and among many other areas, the tax implications of divorce have been greatly affected. If there has ever been a time to “hurry up and get a divorce” it may be now. A change in the new tax laws will eliminate a major… Read More »

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Pros and Cons of Using a Private Judge in Your San Jose Divorce Case

By Argyris Mah, LLP |

https://www.lawyers.com/legal-info/family-law/divorce/pros-and-cons-of-using-a-private-judge-in-my-divorce.html The above article posted on lawyers.com discusses some of the pros and cons of using a private judge in your divorce case. If you are considering hiring a private judge or are wondering whether it might be right for you, contact Argyris Mah, LLP at (408) 564-5674. We can discuss your case with… Read More »

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